On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Mike N <nice...@att.net> wrote:
>   On a related note, this subject came up for me a few weeks ago.  Mark Gray
> had given a lightning talk on this subject at SOTM US 2010
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_Of_The_Map_U.S._2010 .  I was
> thinking of starting with a single waypoint, which can be very accurate
> after multiple averaging, multiple readings at different times of day, etc.
> Then using a rig for highly accurate headstone location readings relative to
> the reference point, which could be converted to GeoLocation coordinates.
> I couldn't find any simple, low cost way to do this with a quick Internet
> search.   Are there Smartphone apps that can do this with the help of their
> accelerometer?  Some other type of hardware?

There are a number of apps that can average multiple GPS readings, one
I've used before on Android is:


I don't know if you really get a more accurate position that way. I
doubt that the accelerometers on smartphones are accurate enough to do
any sort of dead reckoning.

I believe that the surveying industry has equipment that establishes a
highly precise base station and then measures relative to that but I'm
sure that it's quite pricey.

Jeff Ollie

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