On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Jason Remillard

> Hi Thomas,
> It would be 100% fine putting in individual gravestones into OSM. It
> is an physical object that can be surveyed, does not move, and people
> care about it. Personally, I would enjoy mapping the locations of
> gravestones of loved ones, important people, kind of like a little
> Internet memorial. When you die, you get your very own node in OSM. If
> enough people do it, somebody will make a special slippy map that
> supports a very high level zoom to show each gravestone, don't worry
> about it not being rendered right now, just try to get the tagging
> right.
> It sounds like this might be an import, you should follow the normal
> process (like the NPS import).
> I say go for it!
> Thanks
> Jason.
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Thomas Colson <thomas_col...@nps.gov>
> wrote:
> > Are there any examples of detailed cemetery mapping in OSM? E.g.
> individual
> > head-stones are mapped with interred information. Is this even an
> > appropriate use of OSM? I have a cemetery mapping  project with LOTS of
> good
> > data, pondering the best way to publish it….
> >
> >

I looked at this plugin at one time.  The idea behind the plugin supports
multiple people in one location too.  I thought using this plugin would be
a great excuse to get out and explore some of the are cemeteries. That
didn't work out for a number of reasons.  However, here's how the data is
added to a JOSM OSM file. The plugin provides a pictorial view of all the
tomb values from the OSM wiki page.  The Polish language page provides more
information on possible key combinations.

Note too that the even though JOSM and perhaps other editors start with a
lat with 33.024470104758166, the OSM database only stores seven digits
after the decimal place.  That should still provide enough accuracy to
locate grave markers.


  <node id='-140' action='modify' visible='true' lat='33.024470104758166'
    <tag k='description' v='Researcher' />
    <tag k='died' v='2013-07-29' />
    <tag k='historic' v='tomb' />
    <tag k='name' v='additional user data' />
    <tag k='tomb' v='tombstone' />
    <tag k='type' v='person' />
  <node id='175448424' timestamp='2012-05-10T15:22:00Z' uid='633256'
user='jmjanzen' visible='true' version='5' changeset='11559741'
lat='33.0290594' lon='-112.0478438' />
  <relation id='-141' action='modify' visible='true'>
    <member type='node' ref='-140' role='tomb' />
    <tag k='name' v='p' />
    <tag k='type' v='person' />

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