* Michal Migurski <m...@teczno.com> [2013-07-29 00:40 -0700]:
> I wonder if this would be helpful: I've been generating weekly generalized 
> datasets of route relations.
>       http://openstreetmap.us/~migurski/streets-and-routes/
> The tiles take a little while to render, so I wonder whether using an 
> intermediate data set would cut some corners while reducing repeat labels?

One of my goals with this project was to make a rendering that works off a
minutely-updated rendering database.  It could probably be adapted to work
off postprocessed datasets like your generalized route relations (though I
don't know (because I haven't looked at your data) whether shield clusters
would be easily derivable), but I think that having a minutely-driven
rendering is really beneficial to mappers working on data the rendering

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