first of all, CDPs. there's been an ongoing discussion about whether
they belong in OSM at all, or whether they deserve their admin_level
8 classification. i have mixed feelings about the first, and am pretty
sure we need a new way of classifying them if we keep them. here's
some more fuel for the fire.

one of the things i've seen in Westchester County is that between
2008 (the source for most of the current CDPs) and 2013, the
Census Bureau rather substantially revised a bunch of CDP boundaries,
mostly making them much, much smaller. so any 2008 CDP
boundary is suspect for being way out of date. given that virtually
no one is paying attention, that's a lot of stale, unmaintained data
of marginal value sitting around. i'm updating the CDPs where i see
these issues, but i'll probably miss some and i think we need to
reopen the discussion about CDPs.

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