> From: Eric H. Christensen [mailto:e...@christensenplace.us]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:25 PM
> To: impo...@openstreetmap.org; talk-us@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: [Imports] Importing building data for Anne Arundel County MD
> I recently found that Anne Arundel County (Maryland) licenses their GIS
> files as 'public domain with attribution'

If it's public domain it doesn't require attribution. I looked at the text
and it states "The material is in the public domain and may be copied 
without permission. Citation to the source is requested," so it looks
like they regard it as public domain, but would prefer to be attributed, 
which is fine.

> and makes available some really interesting datasets.  I'm interested 
> in importing the following data:
> 1) building outlines
> 2) park boundaries
> 3) fire stations
> I'm also investigating house/building numbers to properly address the
> county as well.

I would suggest handling the building outlines separately, and at the 
least waiting until you know if you'll be getting addresses before handling 
buildings. I'd probably start with park boundaries because hydrants are
more limited interest data. Also, the park boundaries includes school 

> I've started a wiki page[0] to properly document the project.  I'm open
> to suggestions and feedback!

You'll need to develop a translation for the shapefiles that converts 
shapefile attributes to OSM tags, for use with ogr2osm or shp2osm.jar. 
This is moderately technical.

With this you'll want to get rid of many of the attributes (e.g. 
TAX_MAP, PERIMETER, etc). Looking at the school data, the two you'll 
probably use are PARK_TYPE, to map to the different park and leisure 
related tags (as well as schools!) and NAME, for the name. The process 
of writing the translation is going to involve converting the file, 
opening it in JOSM, reviewing the result, adjusting the conversion, 
and repeating.

When you've done that, post the .osm file somewhere and send a link 
to the imports@ list for review.

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