On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 05:17:59PM -0800, Paul Norman wrote:
 > I'm also investigating house/building numbers to properly address the
 > county as well.

 I would suggest handling the building outlines separately, and at the
 least waiting until you know if you'll be getting addresses before handling

Eric H. Christensen wrote:
I haven't had a chance to work on this as of recent but figured I'd follow up on this piece of the puzzle. The GIS department doesn't "own" the address data but referred me to the county police who does. They are not willing to share this information and only allow other governmental agencies to have this information so it doesn't look like that part will be happening.

Very likely (check Maryland Public Record statutes to be sure), YOU own the address data. It seems the county police simply act as trustees. That makes YOU not only the beneficiary (of that trust of public data ownership), but the executor as well. Use those abilities (perhaps with a formal request under state law) to obtain YOUR data.

Without getting too political about it, I don't see why We, the People succumb to government agencies when they say "No" like this. We invented them, we elect them, we create laws that enable everything they do, we pay them to serve us. So when one of the things they do is create and maintain geographic data, let's remind them who they work for and where the commonwealth of belonging actually originates: in us. (Politely, of course).

Look at any "org chart" of city, county, state or federal government (in these fifty states). You will always find that right at the very tippy-top, ABOVE the mayor, ABOVE the supervisors, ABOVE the governor, ABOVE the president is "THE ELECTORATE." That is We, the People. That is YOU.

Ask, and you shall receive. If not, make a formal request under your state's Public Records laws. That's how it works around here, anyway. (Green pastures in California? Maybe. But there are 49 other states, too).


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