On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 09:55:01AM -0400, Phil! Gold wrote:
> * Gregory Arenius <greg...@arenius.com> [2014-05-30 00:52 -0700]:
> >   The only other thing that stuck out to me about the data was the B & A
> > trail.  You have a polygon for the trail which is awesome but I would also
> > add in a properly tagged linear way.  It will make it possible for routers
> > to use it as well as rendering properly.
> I think the import process should be semi-manual, though, as the landuse
> polygons need to be integrated with existing OSM data.  (e.g. there are a
> number of residential areas abutting the B&A Trail, so the edges of those
> should be merged, rather than left overlapping each other.)

Good point.  I hadn't thought about this but that's a good point.  Perhaps if I 
have time I'll be able to add landuse for areas around the parks and schools as 


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