2014-07-02 16:07 GMT+02:00 Kevin Broderick <k...@kevinbroderick.com>:

> IMO (based on both the wiki and what I've seen on the map), highway=track
> implies something that is not reasonably drivable by normal passenger cars
> at a normal rate of travel.

Actually this will depend on the setting, in Germany for instance, a
"track" is a legal class for a way that is legally not a road, but the
surface might be very good (asphalt, smooth) according to the region in
which it is. The reason for a track to be there is agricultural (or
forestry) use, so farmers will use them to access their fields. But they
are often also shortcuts for locals. You won't use them for long distance
travel, obviously, but if you have to choose between 1-2 km of track or 10
km of primary you'll probably choose the track. On the other hand, many
tracks are nowadays excluding regular motorized traffic with signs (in osm
there will be access-restrictions, so this is not a reason to exclude them
generally form routing).

Please remember that tracks are further sub-classed with the tag
"tracktype", where grade1 is a nice smoothly paved track, and down to
grade3 there should be no problem to use them with a regular car at medium

I agree with you, if in doubt whether something is a track or an
unclassified road, choose the road. If it is a part of the road network, it
will never be a track.

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