Highway=service implies a private road, though; if a public road dead-ends
at a single building or facility, it should be =residential or
=unclassified, right?

The tracktype= key is also not really applicable to many of the
unmaintained roads around here, at least as described on the wiki. The
description implies that a track is a continuum from a maintained roadway
to a virtually invisible path across a field. The unmaintained roads in
this part of the country are usually old roadways that were established
before modern engineering standards; many of them go up and down the fall
line and have waterbars, washouts, rock ledges, or all of the above. For


All of these photos are unmaintained roads in Vermont. The last one is
probably reasonable for a high-clearance, AWD car (e.g. Subaru) in the
hands of a competent driver, and definitely should be passable by a skilled
driver in a 4x4 pickup or Jeep. The other three would probably require a
modified 4x4 and the right skillset. They are also legal right-of-ways, so
clearly access=yes for all vehicle types (even though I wouldn't want to
get routed down one of those unknowingly).

I've been using the smoothness key to provide additional data on such
tracks, which I realize is a universally agreed solution, but it's the best
one I've found to date; I'd be open to further suggestions.

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> 2014-07-03 17:36 GMT+02:00 Brad Neuhauser <brad.neuhau...@gmail.com>:
> Just trying to process this: wouldn't a tracktype 1 be tagged as
>> unclassified or residential anyway?  Or to ask a different way, assuming
>> that roads with houses should be tagged as residential, when should one tag
>> a sub-tertiary road as track vs. using unclassified?
> You'd always tag it as unclassified, unless it is not a connection road
> and is used only for agricultural / forestry purposes. If it is not a
> connection road but used to access a certain building / facility, use
> service.
> E.g. this is clearly a track: http://binged.it/1odgrTZ
> or this: http://binged.it/1j0zEud
> in case of doubt I'd put unclassified ;-)
> cheers,
> Martin
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