On 7/30/2014 6:18 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote:

Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out where the problems are- not trying
to dig deeply into them yet- I'm looking for clusters of problems (ie
San Diego), or I heard about a problem in Michigan where someone
decided to revert a bunch of the bot-mode changesets because he didn't
like the way they rendered, so in this case, I'd just look for some
known contractions at the end. We may change that later, but that's
where I'd start.

A bit of PostgreSQL and CartoCSS later, and I have an overlay showing all the abbreviated roads: http://tile.paulnorman.ca/demo/abbreviated.html. This layer is *not* live updated.

Strictly speaking, this is not road only, and may include other features. It has names ending in rd, st, bvld, ave or av, with the first letter lower-case or upper case and with or without a period at the very end.

This is a total of about 69000 roads.

Most of the roads are in the eastern United States, with small clusters around some cities in the West. Places outside the US with noticable numbers of abbreviated roads include: Vancouver, BC; Trinidat and Tobago; Philippines; Chennai, India.

Technical note: The layer is generating 500 errors for tiles with nothing on them. This shouldn't impact its use.

From a Vancouver perspective, a lot of the abbreviated roads will require a ground survey, because the rest of their name is frequently wrong (e.g. three roads named 22 av instead of 22 Avenue, 22A Avenue and 22B Avenue).

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