Mike N writes:
 > On 8/30/2014 4:33 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 > > Seriously, OSM in the US, outside a few cities, is still way beyond broken.
 > > You can open it at any random location and the map is just fictional. (I
 > > did, just now:http://www.osm.org/edit#map=13/36.1938/-103.6446  .
 >   Landing on the high plains desert in the west does not make a good 
 > case that OSM in the US is broken.

That's a fair objection to that specific example. You are correct that
it is not representative. Pick some place in Pennsylvania, if you
want. Every time I cross over the border from New York into
Pennsylvania, I shudder.

If $X has the time to make OSM worse by deleting things, then $X
surely has the time to do some armchair mapping to add things.

If you're bored because your country is completely mapped, come visit
the US. Pick any state's list of rivers and streams (other than NY)
from Wikipedia, and start clicking. I'm happy to help anybody who
wants to add to OSM.  Verstehen Sie?

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