On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> NO!  We would *still* classify them as tracks!  Because there's no good
> reason to classify them as more major, given consistency.  We're trying to
> * not* break the routers, after all.  Yes, I realize that the vast
> majority of county roads are *not* paved in my region.  But to classify
> them as more major is a sickening choice, and would actually make OSM much
> worse than Yahoo Maps, given the situation that actually killed a Yahoo
> founder.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Kim

 Also, given that not all roads in ODOT's system are paved (yes, it's 2014,
and there's substantial parts of Oregon's state highway system not paved!)
and many of the unpaved roads in higher elevation areas are not open in the
winter, with snow gates that are often buried completely and invisibly
(probably contributing to Kim's death) thanks to a lack of snow removal, I
really have a hard time justifying, at least in the north american case,
that any unpaved route should ever get more than a track designation.
 These are routes that, with good reason, should be detoured around
whenever possible.
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