
        Thanks to Michael for a great find and to you for trying to make it
usable in OSM. It will be interesting to see what comes out of it.
        Sounds like we should hold off on any wiki work for a while. There
is much data to examine, and I'm already doing stuff for HOT.
I'd like to take a look at the materials for Arizona just to see if their
names for lines correspond to what I'm seeing already from TIGER.
        Like I said before, we have time to make sure we're doing this right.


At 11:24 AM 12/31/2014, you wrote:
Michael Patrick writes: (about the Oak Ridge National Laboratory: ... Railroad Network data).
I found these at:
And have downloaded (~10 megabytes) a zipped shapefile of the entire network
(as well as the simplified 7 megabyte one which "omits inactive lines and contains
only current operators, but incorporates interlines as network links.")
I knew there had to be something like this in the public domain, and I say thank
you very much,


I'll examine these in JOSM right now. First they need to be unzipped, and it looks like the (provided on that web page) PRJ file to change from WGS 84 (default) to either NAD 27 or 83 projection is required. I haven't done that to these data in the
instant case, but I've fiddled these before and I think it is doable.
Results in JOSM (after many seconds of load time) -- and JOSM MUST have the
Shapefile plug-in -- do indeed display a nationwide network of rail lines. As a sample I chose (UP's Coast line in California, which I believe I have gotten mostly correct in OSM recently) has 30 rather cryptic (at first blush) tags, but these indeed look to be usable data. Geographically, yes, the rail line looks "about correct" though the tag structure seriously will have to be harmonized to become something to import into OSM. This starts to move (quickly) into the direction of a major import (and all its required vetting, etc.) into OSM. I ask others to help me determine the suitability of whether we might want to use these data. I imagine a fair bit of work would be required to harmonize the 30 tags into those we might deem appropriate for USA rail in OSM, as well as strategies for conflating them with existing TIGER rail data. It's a big, big, BIG job. On the other hand, I could see small segments in these data that interest local mappers being used to confirm names or actual track locations for existing data on a line-by-line
basis, too.
Thanks for really good discussion about this, Charlotte stepping up to make a wiki page, Michael's reference to these data and the great volunteer, cooperative and collaborative
spirits we find in OSM here in the USA.

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Charlotte Wolter
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Santa Monica, California
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