On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 6:00 AM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:
> Dero does not happen to have a ref or primary key for their data.  Some
> other vendor or site may have an actual value here.... Much as emergency
> phones or some institutional assets.

I finally get what you are doing with the ref.  I believe you are
adding the ref from your data based on the dropbox file that you

> How accurate was the pin?  Good enough to find the station? Are there more
> nearby?

The photos are up
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Dero_Bike_Repair. The
accuracy is good enough to find the station. I did not try to GPS the
station because of the building reflections.  I did not look at the
picture before adding the node. Perhaps the node could move to the
west.  ASU installed the station by a walkway into the parking garage.
The station is near bike racks.  The irony is that there are two gas
station grade air hoses on the other side of the wall.  ;-)

> The charging tag needs work: what style of charger? Is the charging free? I
> left that in from others work but feel it should be a separate node.

As far as all the tagging questions, I added the tags based on reading
the wiki and my initial confusion over the import process.  It is all
open source. Do what you will with the node and wiki page.
Classically: "If broken, then you get to keep both pieces."


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