Is anybody interested in using such a service?

Though this does seem to overlap with Tiger 2014 Battle Grid, it sounds pretty cool, and so will likely have wide appeal, a virtual prerequisite for such an endeavor. It could even become a sustained part of Mapping Parties in the USA, at least until it isn't seen as particularly useful for a given area (which will "fix itself").

Clearly, a large goal for OSM USA is to well coordinate many/most/all of our TIGER-cleanup efforts into something cohesive, ongoing and if possible, fun. We might start with a "TIGER Cleanup Vision" statement with some sub-goals and even rough time lines. (If this exists anywhere and I haven't seen it, apologies). But it could be a major thrust forward to bring OSM into a kind of "more mature" data present -- one which large parts of Europe enjoy now. While there are some very nice places in OSM in the USA, we certainly cannot rest upon our laurels: we have significant catching up to do, especially with TIGER cleanup.


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