Brand new anonymous users come to the map every day and are confused by what 
these hamlets are. 


I kind of doubt this person is going to stick around and improve the map.  To 
them, it just looks like vandalism.

(IMO the “Bender’s Corner” hamlet should probably just be deleted outright.  I 
live near it and there really is no such thing.)

> On Mar 17, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Richard Weait <> wrote:
> Goal: A new local mapper in each BadHamlet
> Method:
> 1) Create an overlay that displays the hamlets as ugly, rash-like
> spots.  It could even be a "rash" that allows checkouts a la tasking
> manager.
> 2) Encourage mappers to do outreach in each spot.
> - Mapper in Oregon sees that there is a BadHamlet in Massachusetts,
> adjacent to their old hometown / alma mater / vacation spot.  Mapper
> reaches out to their old classmates / colleagues / neighbours to find
> one or more new mappers in / near that hamlet.
> 3) New mapper fixes the BadHamlet and starts mapping their favourite
> restaurants, bowling alleys and coffee shops.

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