On Sat, Apr 4, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Eleanor Tutt <eleanor.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Serge.
> As a member of the chapter board, I feel a bit erased? misrepresented? by
> your email. It hurt, especially because I think you and I share some common
> ground about why we map and that it is important to feel a connection to a
> place.

You're right that I painted everyone with the same brush, and that
wasn't my intent; I'm sorry. It's hard to be critical of an
organization and not the individuals, but you're right, I probably
could have done a better job.

> At any rate, while you are more qualified to speak to the history of OSM as
> a whole than I am, I do want to say a few things that will maybe help you
> get the know my personal history with OSM:

There are people on this list who were involved in OSM longer than me.
I don't believe I have special qualifications beyond being there.

> When I was new to OSM and first learned about editathons, I didn't know
> anyone involved with OSM or have any preconceived ideas about the project.
> All I knew was that editathons sounded amazing, so I made the effort to
> connect with other local mappers and start building more of a community in
> my region.  My first editathon - led by another community member - involved
> walking around outdoors on a college campus.  My second editathon - led by
> myself - involved walking around outdoors in a neighborhood commercial
> district.  In my experience, editathons have always been a way for community
> members to get together and map in whatever manner made the most sense -
> sometimes outdoors, sometimes indoors.  There can be value in both.
> I remember Paul's post, I was elected to the chapter board, and - it's true!
> - I don't have very many OSM edits compared to many members of the
> community.  That doesn't mean I don't go out and map my community - I
> described in a different email how I do so.  But I contribute in other ways
> as well.  Last month, I led a group of students in a survey of a nearby
> neighborhood.  I spent hours walking through the neighborhood with them,
> helping mark points, and then helping them enter their data when they
> returned.  I did not personally make a single edit with my OSM user name.
> However, I contributed to those edits invisibly, behind the scenes, and I
> believe several of those students will become regular contributors.

Maybe time erases this stuff, and that's a good thing.

Again, my apologies. Especially as someone who doesn't have a car, I
know the challenge that mapping can be for folks like us, and major
kudos to you for your mapping and community work.

- Serge

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