On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Steven Johnson <sejohns...@gmail.com>

> Hello list,
> Just in time for #OSMGeoweek, TeachOSM with support from Mapstory.org and
> American Geographical Society, has released the first OpenStreetMap
> Surveyor I badge.[1]
> The badge is aimed at the newest open mappers of any age and is awarded
> for successful acquisition of basic editing skills on OpenStreetMap. We
> envision this badge to be the first in a constellation of more specialized
> badges based on skill sets, domains, area knowledge, and so forth. For more
> info on the mechanics of GeoBadges, see the AGS blog post[2].
> We have a special deal during OSMGeoweek: Anyone who maps in any of the
> #100Mapathons, #MissingMaps, #PeaceCorps, or #HOT events during OSMGeoweek
> will be eligible to claim the badge. Just make sure to comment your
> changeset with one of the 2015 OSMGeoweek hashtags so we can find it.
> Happy Mapping, everyone...
> [1] http://bit.ly/1NAhybF
> [2] http://bit.ly/1Pwsi0G <https://t.co/nfsoqNYFvW>
> -- SEJ
> -- twitter: @geomantic
> -- skype: sejohnson8
Steven Johnson,

Like dude!  My hat is off to you!!!  You dared to violate the mainstream
[1] way of doing OSM business.  I don't know if we should call you Newton
[2], Galileo [3], Ignaz [4], Lincoln [6], or suffrage [7].  All I know is
that it takes a long [4][8] to make changes around here. I don't get why
OpenStreetMap has such a problem with some of the key tenants of Open
* Show me the code to make it better if the current code is wrong.
* Release early and release often.
* Use the force read the source.
I just saw these videos today. I get what you are trying to do!!!
1.) You are trying to help new mappers choose a lovable project to focus
on. [9][10].
2.) You are helping new mappers by picking one topic at a time to focus
energy on. [9][10]
3.) You are doing new mappers a favor by helping them define a performance
level. [9][10]
4.) and how to deconstructing the skill into subskills for them with badge
5) What's totally awesome about your plan is that you are providing time
frames for each subskill in say 20 hours. [9][10]
Oh my goodness! Steven your are a rocket scientist when it comes to those
little badges.  I get that you are starting at "Surveyor I" with just
setting up an account.  You have a plan to build on badge I with editing,
advanced editing, reading aerials, using KeepRight, and finally ending up
at say,Surveyor 25 after learning all the survey techniques.

I hope that you keep at your idea as you have dared to "Release early" in
hopes of developing a community around the system.  I hope that you can
ignore all the negative feedback [11] and return here for further refine
your badge ideas,"release often".  Hey I know that there are some pervs on
the network.  Even though the pervs exist, there are all these kids out
there that lie behind their parents backs and have a facebook page at 12.
Yes and they also lie about their age too to get that FB account.  If your
program fails approval based on age issues, I think you are on track to
develop the idea for "adults". The rewards idea are awesome. The current
plan of making new mappers think that have to have $20,000 of GPS
equipment[12] before adding a single node isn't working.

Keep up the good work Steve!


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=309
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=470
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=617
Ignaz Semmelweis
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=716
It takes a long time.
[5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=836
[6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=866
[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=912
It takes a long time like gravity
[8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__dDAD0Y_WU&t=946
Visual summary "The First 20 Hours"
You tube "The First 20 Hours" interview.
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB6K60mkmho
[11] https://youtu.be/Bxtb-PpZih8?t=653
$20,000 to mark plant locations for a database.
[12] http://www.meetup.com/PHXGeo/photos/21943882/364216142/#364216142
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