It was very late this morning when I wrote that and I think I need to
clarify a bit further after a bit of sleep.

Yesterday OSM had edits in 165 countries, now while that doesn't
directly give us information on how many countries we actually have
contributors in, I think it is safe to assume that we have dozens of
different legislations to deal with. The OSMF, at least in the past, has
not made prescriptive statements or even just given guidance as to who
can sign up, who can map, where they can map and so on. For example
there are no statements on participation from countries where mapping
might be illegal. In general we simply assume that the locals know what
they are doing.

So not having anything formal from the OSMF on COPPA is not a surprise,
it should be expected. The topic itself however has had a relative high
visibility due to the US connection and the resulting fear of
enforcement if OSM was to specifically target youths in the US, as
already pointed out this was mostly before the 2013 COPPA revision.

That said, it is by far not the only issue that we are ignoring wrt
participation from minors for example they typically can't actually
enter in to contracts (at least not without lots of caveats and specific
further age limits) which would effect the validity of our sign up
process as it currently is.

If the board considers it worthwhile, the LWG could take this on and see
if there is a way to handle this (likely by some form of parental
consent) during the sign up process without creating a cascade of
further problems.


PS: given that this is slowly getting very off topic , I would suggest
carrying on the discussion on the legal-talk list.

Am 18.11.2015 um 02:26 schrieb Simon Poole:
> Am 18.11.2015 um 01:26 schrieb Kate Chapman:
>> Hi Simon,
>> The groups releasing Geobadges "TeachOSM with support from
>> and American Geographical Society" are not large
>> multi-million dollar US organizations. None of them have highly paid
>> in-house lawyers. Thank you for pointing out the legislation, do you
>> hangout on all of the other country specific lists to point
>> out legislation to people?
>> I was an active member of the community in 2009 and I'm unaware of
>> any specific discussions of this nature. There have been efforts to
>> perform outreach to high schools and scouts at least since that time.
>> If something was too sensitive to minute, then how is anyone supposed
>> to know that is the case?
> The 2009 public discussions were, well, public, and mainly in the
> context of the contributor terms and other T&Cs (see the legal-talk
> archives), further there is at least one draft of a OSM privacy policy
> with relevant text (which likely started to bitrot immediately) see
> .
> As to other records, there are two problems: a) the OSMF wiki site
> isn't searchable so finding something is near impossible, and b) there
> is no guarantee that something was minuted in the first place,
> particularly if it was advice received from counsel (former boards
> have been very concerned about that) As a result I can just relate
> hearsay that the board or at least the subset that made up the LWG at
> the time, was informed and aware of the issue.
> Simon
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