Thanks for reporting Mike - I will pass this on to our dev right away so we can 
look into it.
Any additional contextual information that may help reproduce is more than 


> On Dec 8, 2015, at 6:59 PM, Mike N <> wrote:
> I ran into a small problem with the missing roads plugin in JOSM.   When I 
> have it selected, it goes active when I first download something. There is 
> some sort of problem with the missing roads search web service at
>  Wireshark shows that the server goes into some sort of error sequence with 
> duplicate ACKs and retransmissions.
>  I'm CC'ing the list because JOSM shows some strange behavior when this 
> happens - the missingroads server conversation must first time out (several 
> minutes) before anything can be uploaded or downloaded again. No error 
> message until the timeout - dialogs just disappear with no action.
>  I've uninstalled the plugin for now.
>  Thanks,

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