Thanks, Greg, for your suggestions. I commented on most of them in the feedback 
forum ( where you posted them as well, and 
I will follow up with the team to see what we can do about some if not all of 

I hope the manual I published on Friday ( 
will help avoid some of the confusion you had for other mappers. 


> On Oct 4, 2015, at 1:32 PM, Greg Morgan <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Martijn van Exel <> wrote:
>> Marc — you should be able to click on the ‘mark as fixed’ (lock) and ‘mark
>> as invalid’ (exclamation mark) buttons in the missing roads panel after you
>> make the missing roads layer active and select one or more tiles. Let me
>> know if it doesn’t work for you.
>> Martijn
> I drew a blank at first.  I performed the activation.  I opened the
> missing roads window but the lock was not enabled.  The key was to
> click on the Scout layer first, then you could right click on the tile
> to resolve the disposition in the missing roads window..  Unlike the
> todo plugin, you will not have a list of tiles in the missing roads
> window. Only the tile that you select in the Scout layer shows up.
> You have to zoom way out to see the red does, then zoom in to find the
> tiles.  I hope this information helps others.
> Suggestions/comments:
> 1.) Examine OSM change sets to see if they resolve the tile but that
> may be a bit of work.  The new road may not coincide with the Scout
> GPS traces.
> 2.) Based on my initial misunderstanding and not closing the tiles, I
> was wondering how often will you update the layer.  Again I was not
> closing the tiles so I kept seeing the same open tiles thinking that
> the refresh cycle was a long one.  As I stated, I did not understand
> that I needed to close the tile.
> 3.) It would be helpful to put in a count of tiles in the red dot.  I
> was surprised to see some large red dots contain only three tiles
> while others contained many.  It did not feel like the intuitive dot
> size matched the actual size of the effort.
> 4.) The detailed scout tile window, for lack of better words, would be
> more useful, if I could use it to navigate from tile to tile verses
> all the zooming.   Moreover, if this window had a list like the todo
> plugin, it would enhance the navigation from tile to tile and thus the
> fun flow.  Activation of the layer would fill the window.  The window
> could be enhanced to add context menus to zoom to the next tile
> similar to the todo plugin.  Another option is to add tab with this
> functionality.  Here's the page for the todo plugin.
> Thanks for the plugin.  I found a major street segment that was
> deleted.  In the same area the major street was marked as proposed.
> Hence it looked like you'd have to drive miles out of your way to get
> to the same destination that was actually nearby on a straight line
> and at a high speed.
> Regards,
> Greg

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