On 2016.03.24. 14:50, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 03/24/2016 11:26 AM, Marc Gemis wrote:
They tagged them as "social_path", according to their blog entry [1]

Thank you for the link. This is what I feared.

highway=social_path is certainly unacceptable - a self-made tag that
essentially deletes the data for all other consumers.

There would have been numerous other options that would have allowed
them to single out the tracks they want - for example, tagging the
official ones with an "operator" tag, or putting them into suitable
relations or so. Had any of the players involved taken the time to ask
on this list, I'm sure these options would have been pointed out to them.

As it stands, removing a proper, established highway tag and replacing
it with something that nobody knows is just a little bit better than
removing the way altogether.

To make matters worse, it seems that the issue has been pointed out
almost half a year ago, and has not led to the issue being fixed:


It is obvious to me that all occurrences of highway=social_path need to
be replaced with whatever they were before. I'd normally say let's give
them some time to come up with a better idea but seeing that the problem
has been highlighted to them pretty much at the time they made the edits
5 months ago, and they haven't come up with a better idea, I'd say the
time is up now.

supporting this.
if they don't want people to use those trails during normal circumstances[1], don't render them on your own map, tag them as access=no or whatever.
deleting something real that somebody has spent time mapping is plain evil.

[1] in an emergency i would appreciate any trail on my map, no matter how "official"


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