On 2016.03.26. 01:10, Alan McConchie wrote:
Thanks everyone for your strong but sincere criticism so far. In the
thread here on talk-us, I explained _what_ we were trying to do, but I
didn't explain very much about our rationale: _why_ we think this is an
important idea. The wiki proposal explains that a little bit better, as
does my email to the tagging list.

and please don't get put off by the reaction - this being the internet and such an open project, people tend to have strong opinions and express them in much harsher ways than they would in real life.

before i get back to bashing the new tag, i'd like to say a huge thank you for getting park people (would be a great band name in the 80ies) involved.

offtopic, but i'd be interested in reading some honest blog entry on why they were dismissing osm at first/still.

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