Hi Kevin,
On 05/22/2016 11:26 PM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
Alas, I'm not going to SOTM, but put me down as someone who's
interested in the project, with some 'skin in the game' already.
As I already posted privately to Clifford:
I picked up TopOSM's code for my own purposes and added quite a few
twists of my own. I use the result as a basemap for several of my own
projects. You can see what it looks like at
You've done some great work on the topo maps! I've been following it for
quite some time. It would fantastic if you're interested in closer
Clearly, I am NOT tooled up to serve it up on a large scale.
It depends on a good many publicly-available data layers with
ODBL-incompatible terms. Life is full of tradeoffs. I think that a
'sanitized' version with only ODBL and US Government data wouldn't be
too difficult to put together.
I'm more than willing to share the code, but it would be a bit of a
nightmare to set up. I think that the best approach would be to share
it with a willing apprentice (if you will) in pieces, reworking as we
go to make sure that each shared piece runs for more than just me and
the setup is better documented than it is now. I'm willing to put in
the effort to make such a project succeed, but would find it immensely
difficult without a guinea pig to try stuff out and provide ongoing
Sounds like a good plan. I guess we should take further details off
list, but I think this is well worth giving a try.
Significant public layers that I include that I believe TopOSM does
not include:
(1) NLCD [...]
(2) A fair number of FCODES from NHD [...]
(3) The USFWS National Wetlands Inventory. [...]
I did (1) and (2) in TopOSM2 (and some related projects I've been
working on since) but, of course, that was never finished so I guess
that's moot. Either way, it's probably good that we've been heading in
the same direction.
- Lars
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