On 4/2/2017 6:26 PM, Charlotte Wolter wrote:

I came across a really weird situation while doing a Maproulette change. In Rustberg, a small town in rural Virginia (http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id#map=16/37.2772/-79.1011), almost every driveway has been named after the street it intersects. In addition, numerous very short "driveways" have been created, some of which go nowhere. The edits all were done four years ago, it seems. Here is the message about the edits: "Edited almost 4 years ago by bot-mode Version #2 ยท Changeset #15805152."

They were created 9 years ago with the TIGER import: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/19903814/history. The change 4 years ago was just a name change and not related to what you're observing.

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