On 04/04/2017 10:00 AM, Albert Pundt wrote:
> Recently somebody went around and bulk-"demoted" many northern NJ roads.
> Granted, some of these were marked as trunk and primary that would
> probably be better as primary and secondary, respectively, but this
> person made various trunk routes secondary (including major arterials
> such as US 206, NJ 15, US 46, NJ 31, etc. that should be no lower than
> primary), primary routes tertiary, and demoted most if not all secondary
> and tertiary routes to residential/unclassified. This seems like a way
> overboard change. I started to fix the more obvious errors here, but it
> seems like it would be way quicker and easier to revert the changeset
> and start over with fewer and more conservative reclassifications. What
> are your thoughts on this?

I'd lean towards reverting the entire changeset before it wipes out too
much additional work to do so. Also leave the user who did this a polite
but direct comment on the changeset that This Is Not Cool.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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