> Thought this was kinda cool.

Since at least one version on their webpage includes the OSM
copyright, yes, yes it is cool !

But kinda tough on the roads and folks using them. That bridge could
be in trouble.

<< Other bridges, including S.R. 47, could be impacted, Gaskins said.
There’s also a chance U.S. 121 could be impacted.
<< The river will likely crest at historic levels, Florida Department
of Transportation officials said.
<< “The Santa Fe River under I-75 has rapidly risen 15 feet within the
past 36 hours due to the heavy rainfall
<< over North Florida from Hurricane Irma,” the officials said.

Well yes. According to the (provisional) data from the stream-gauge
there, it is already at historic levels.
And may be close to crested.

Tonight's stage 56.83ft edges the 2012 record historic crest 54.44 ft
on 06/29/2012, which was already an outliers above 9+ mid-forties
stages, all from this decade.
But this appears to be a recent gauge so lack of older history isn't
surprising. (Downstream the gauge at US-441 has records to WW2 or

But from the look of the flood-plain, the bridge and the
raised-roadbed leading to it is at exactly the level of the level of
pre-historic flooding, so I-75 is now a dike separating the flood
plain into two basins with only a small drain under the bridge.

Bill Ricker

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