On 10/05/2017 05:30 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Question for you all:
> What make Michigan state routes 5 and 10[1] trunks rather than primaries? 
> To my mind these are highway=primary mainly because of at-grade
> intersections.. I am still confused about what makes a trunk road in the
> US. To my mind it's roads with no at-grade intersections but not built
> to interstate standards / not having an interstate designation... I'm
> not looking to open up a can of worms but I would really like to understand.

On a related note, I recently downgraded Allen Parkway in Houston from
trunk to primary, based on the somewhat recent reconfiguration, adding
traffic signals and lowering the speed limit (which I removed without
adding a replacement, knowing only that it's no longer 40 mph but I
forgot if they made it 35 mph or 30 mph). It's possible the western part
(closer to where it changes names to Kirby Drive) may still technically
qualify as trunk, but it is kind of an edge case even then.


(Memorial Drive from Detering Street to Bagby Street, BTW, is pretty
much a textbook case of trunk in the US. Speed limit 50 mph, mostly
controlled access but not up to full freeway specifications. West of
Detering the speed limit drops and it goes through Memorial Park, but
there's still a relatively limited number of intersections.)

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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