> Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 11:59:11 -0600
> From: Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org>
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Trunk
> Hi all,
> I haven't abandoned this thread or thinking about it. It has just taken me
> a while to read through all the diary comments + what is being said in this
> thread. I intend to follow up with another diary post where I try to
> collect this smart crowd's thoughts and suggestions, but it will probably
> not until after State of the Map US that I get to this.
> In the mean time, I decided to test some of the ideas posted here on a real
> case: The part of Michigan SR 10 northwest of the I-696 interchange:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/252973#map=13/42.5132/-83.3168
> Since 1) this road does not seem to serve an important connecting role in
> the long distance road network 2) the density of abutters and related
> driveway / parking exits I judged a downgrade warranted. Please discuss
> here or on https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/52903464 .
> On the topic of tagging for the renderer, two things: 1) A US-specific
> rendering would be really neat 2) Trunk 'appendices' like the one I just
> downgraded do make rendering at low zooms tricky -- you end up with short
> segments that seem to end in nothing.
> Martijn

I'm not arguing the change.  I would point out that the bike lane now masks 
what functioned as basically an entrance / exit lane on the highway.  The 
abutting entrances were not an issue to maintaining highway speed on the road.  
They do not now with the bike lane.  The bike lane is basically treated the 
same way without apparent risk to the bikes as I have never seen one in it.  
That is a comment on what I think of the wisdom of overlaying a bike lane there 
for how the lane has functioned.

Northwestern Highway / M-10 is similar in nature and use to nearby Telegraph 
Road / US-24 which has been tagged as Primary since at least 2009.

Thank you,

Doug Peterson
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