The linked example is an OSM screenshot? So yes, especially if it is
strictly adhering to trunk==expressway, then they will be explicitly
marked. This is circular. USGS maps emphasize roads when they are
multi-lane highways that aren't freeways, not when they are
expressways. Not every multi-lane highway is an expressway, and not
every multi-lane highway is a trunk road.

On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 1:37 PM, Paul Johnson <> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Bradley White <>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 12:53 PM, Nathan Mills <> wrote:
>> > Road maps in the US have long differentiated between freeway/expressway
>> > and
>> > has had both of those clearly different than US and state highways we'd
>> > be
>> > tagging as primary. Map users expect to see expressways shown
>> > differently.
>> Could you show me an example of a US road atlas that explicitly
>> demarcates expressways? I have legitimately tried to find one but have
>> not been able to. Most US maps I've seen show freeways & toll roads
>> explicitly, but not expressways. Some maps might use a different
>> casing style to denote a divided highway, but the underlying color of
>> the line still represents the importance of the road. Which is the
>> point I'm trying to get at, that a highway being divided or not is
>> orthogonal to its importance.
> Just googling for it, I do find
> which
> has 99E where McLoughlin Boulevard is an expressway, and the Milwaukie
> Expressway, in green.  USGS's topo maps of Portland also show the Milwaukie
> Expressway as an expressway, though also shows Interstate 205 as an
> expressway instead of a freeway (which I think we'd all agree would be
> incorrect).  USGS also shows (albeit very outdated at this point) US 412 as
> being an expressway, different from a freeway, east of where the (then still
> unbuilt) Creek Turnpike now joins the Rogers Turnpike.

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