Briefly (thanks for the reminder, again, Ian!):

If the reltoolbox plug-in as as powerful as I am beginning to understand it may 
be (I appreciate the introduction, Gleb), and given my agreement that certain 
use cases (especially landuse) benefit greatly from multipolygonized boundaries 
(they do), I actually CAN imagine that the SCCGIS V4 landuse import data (in 
2019 or 2020) could become multipolygon.  This likely would involve a 
pre-upload translation of polygon data into mulitipolygon using the tool, then 
conflation (which has to be done anyway).  Except, we upload multipolygons as 
we delete existing polygons during the conflation-and-upload phase.

I wanted to offer that bright spot of hope to anybody's lingering beliefs that 
I am "mule-entrenched" in my beliefs that existing polygons are always 
superior.  They are not.  They make updates harder, but I think I can get over 
that, as I can be convinced that "once done, the time investment is worth it" 
for the future benefits that multipolygons bring.

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