On 20/11/2017 19:36, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
Come on, JOSM itself is difficult, but everyone
who groked JOSM, never returns to Potlach.

Untrue.  Each of the OSM editors has strengths and weaknesses - it's simply a case of finding the best tool for the job.  In some cases that might be JOSM; in some cases it might be something completely different (StreetComplete?).  JOSM isn't the best at everything - it has a user interface out of the fifth circle of hell and seems intent on dragging the user straight back there.  It fails with some stuff that is "basic" to e.g. Potlatch (mapping with waypoints recorded with information in them as you go for example).  See questions such as https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/7675/josm-is-it-possible-to-convert-an-individual-waypoint-in-a-gpx-file-to-a-node for a bit more discussion on that.

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