
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 04:29:56PM -0500, Kevin Kenny wrote:
K> (3) Ease of editing (for better-informed or better-tooled users). At
K> least for me, working in JOSM, I find updating a mesh of multipolygons
K> with shared ways to be fairly straightforward. Split the ways at any
K> new corners, draw any new ways, update the touching regions, delete
K> any obsolete ways. Sure, it's a different workflow than the one for
K> simple polygons, but for that workflow, I find myself retracing over
K> long sets of points, or else splitting, duplicating, reversing and
K> rejoining ways. The duplicated ways are difficult to work with, since
K> they share all the points, and I have to puzzle over some pretty
K> subtle things to understand which copy I'm working with. By contrast,
K> the split and joined ways in a shared-ways structure always have
K> distinct geometry.

Thanks for this paragraph! This was text that was right on my tongue,
but I failed to wordsmith it properly.

Gleb Smirnoff

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