Sent to Bright Valley Marketing via their website Contact text box:

How can you help me?  More like how can YOU help Bright Valley Marketing?!

OK:  you can stop putting advertising into your clients' OpenStreetMap (OSM) 
nodes.  Phone, website, opening_hours, addr: fields:  those are all OK.  The 
breezy text in the note: field that not only smacks of advertising but actually 
goes way too far and BECOMES advertising, especially in a volunteer and 
non-profit project like OSM:  No.  Absolutely, positively, no.  Also, the 
payment field should not say a single word about financing, especially 
business-offered financing.  This crosses the line into sleazy, many are 
watching what you are doing here.

We are asking you politely to stop doing this.  Starting right now.  Please 
reply to this so I know you have received this message.  I will likely accept 
your apology for abusing our project should you have the honor to offer one and 
it accompanies your understanding to cease and desist these practices.

OpenStreetMap volunteer

(A little harsh?  Maybe.  Maybe not.)
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