Carl Anderson is correct:  what is in the map from TIGER about LSAD is true and 
affords the possibly to derive geo data about incorporated entities (in some 
cases, where they haven't been deleted), although the data (being somewhere 
between 11 and 13 years old) may not be accurate, given annexations, etc.  
However, OSM's community, through exhaustive consensus (much of it right here 
on talk-us, many of these discussions are ref'd in a wiki I noted earlier) 
agree that what the US Census Bureau says is not necessarily what OSM does or 
should use to document such entities.  In other words, the Census Bureau is not 
authoritative.  For what we agree to put into OSM, the OSM community's 
consensus IS authoritative.  We have agreed that census boundaries of CDPs are 
statistical, not administrative (what admin_level attempts to denote).  We 
correctly document how to do this.  However, MUCH old TIGER data remain.

Martijn, your OT link is helpful, here is a visual version: (although that does not allow "" to 
appear as often as your text-based version does, so thank you for that 
formatting).  What this shows is that the importation of much Census Bureau 
data as CDPs in Utah (and elsewhere in the USA) continues to have MUCH work to 
do:  our wiki suggests admin_level=8 tag be removed from these, and the 
boundary=administrative tag be changed to boundary=census.  This is correct, it 
has achieved wide consensus in OSM (via these talk-us pages) and has been 
documented in our wiki for some time.  And not simply in Utah, this is true in 
all 50 states, except Alaska, where the state works closely with the Census 
Bureau to "organize" (not in the legal sense) the Unorganized Borough of Alaska 
(bigger than any other state, even Texas).  Carl offers a clever way for us to 
sharpen up how we might do this:  choose admin_level=8 tagged relations which 
have tiger:LSAD=57 (e.g. Mona, Utah), change boundary=administrative to 
boundary=census, and delete the admin_level=8 tag.  Import script, anyone?  
(Whew, that's a loaded question!)

However, I disagree with Martijn (or perhaps I do not understand his intention) 
as he says about our US_admin_level wiki "United_States_admin_level is really 
not correct... CDPs should be tagged boundary=census, ideally without an 
admin_level=* tag."  I believe that IS a correct statement, it is simply that 
Utah (and many other states, again, not Alaska) have never had this "clean up" 

Martijn's assertion that "state municipalities: cities, towns, villages and 
hamlets (infrequent)” is an incorrect description of what we INTEND to denote 
with admin_level=8 in the USA is also incorrect.  Simply said, hoary old TIGER 
data contradicts this true statement on a fairly large scale, in Utah, yes, but 
in most other states, too.

Let's not confuse what's in the map (from a noisy TIGER import) as correct, 
when what really is correct is what we have achieved consensus about and 
wiki-documented:  CDP data are boundary=census, not boundary=administrative 
(and so, should have NO admin_level key, with any value).

And, I'd much rather have "too much" wiki than "not enough."  Wiki can be 
ignored if too verbose, however, the consensus such wiki express is not easily 

Where I agree with Martijn is "I guess we have some work to do."  "Clean the 
catbox" indeed!

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