I agree that a local US OSM map with a *subtly* adapted rendering would be 
fantastic. Phil Gold did some interesting work years ago on rendering US style 
highway shields taking into account (sometimes crazy) route concurrency 
 - note that this is based on years-old data and probably pre-carto-switch 
stylesheet). Lars Ahlzen created the beautiful TopOSM which is a lot more 
divergent from the main map style, but another great example of initiatives 
around custom map rendering coming out of the US community.

Perhaps something for a BoF session at the next SOTM!

Finally, I don’t think it’s a funding or infrastructure issue. It’s just that 
someone needs to lead it.


> On Mar 8, 2019, at 9:27 AM, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:59 AM Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
>> If it’s just a shortcut to have the main OSM map display elevation in feet, 
>> that’s not right, but it indicates a need that is currently unaddressed: 
>> displaying elevation in local units on the main map.
> Even as a USAian, I'm fine with SI units on the main map. If the
> USAians need a map localised to US conventional units, let the USAians
> host it.
> (and openstreetmap.us miught be a perfect place to put such a thing,
> but I know, the infrastructure and funding really isn't there.)

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