29 Apr 2019, 05:12 by stevea...@softworkers.com:

> How much consensus IS there for tagging national_park on "large, (important?) 
> state parks" which roughly (or not) meet the national_park definition in our 
> wiki?
It seems that national_park is likely to be affected by problem similar to 
Many countries have thingsĀ  called "national park" that are some form of nature 
but details are very different.

Given that there is viable alternative that may be less ambiguous it may be 
preferable to
avoid national_park or at least be aware that meaning is likely to be strongly 
affected by regional

For example:
in Poland "national park" is basically "large/very large nature reserve that 
has stronger legal 
protections and is more famous". Some of them are tiny (probably comically tiny 
by USA standards)
like Ojcowski Park Narodowy ("Park Narodowy" directly translates into "Naional 
at https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6247785#map=12/50.2054/19.8272 
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6247785#map=12/50.2054/19.8272> - 
covering 21 square km.

I am tempted to treat boundary=protected_area as preferable, despite that tags 
specifying exact type
are unreadable codes.

(I am loudly thinking here, and not sue what exactly should be done here)

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