On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 10:50 AM Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> OSM was founded in 2004 on the principle of "if they won't give us the
> data, we'll make it ourselves" and that still holds true. I've started
> on making sure all rail-trails of a reasonable length (say, 5 miles
> upwards) are actually mapped in OSM, using route relations.
> So why not have a go? It's easy work and you get to see the routes
> appear on http://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org pretty much instantly.

Yes, please!

I try to do my part locally. I'm a hiker rather than a cyclist, so
that affects what gets mapped, but I also watch what other people are
mapping around here and try to repair the relations when they get
messed up. People keep beating me to it, though;
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6133160 got done before I made
it down there. Repairing the relations when someone inadvertently
conflated https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1738631 with
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2692590 was quite a chore! (I
found out about that one because 'Genesee Valley Greenway' showed up
in my neighbourhood, near Albany and nowhere near the Genesee Valley.)

I have never tried to import data on rail-trails, or indeed any other
sort of trail. Not only are the external data sources frequently
subject to aggressive copyright enforcement, but also they are
frequently of abysmal data quality. I map this stuff with literal
boots on the literal ground. (I *have* been known to use the external
data sets as a "to do" list. I'm comfortable with that level of
external dependency. Some of the hardliners here would say that once
I've consulted such a data set, I'm permanently mentally contaminated
and can't map the features that it shows, but that way lies madness!)

There are too few of us. I keep seeing the same half-dozen names
locally. More would be welcome.

And route relations are important for sites like Waymarked Trails - it
totally ignores walking and cycling routes that are not indicated with
relations, which is why I wind up doing routes for even relatively
trivial stuff like
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4836600.(although that
certainly meets Richard's five-mile threshold).

To reiterate: yes, please help!

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