On 21.12.19 23:02, stevea wrote:
> As the ITOworld TIGER-completeness visualizer at
> https://product.itoworld.com/map/162?lon=-121.88&lat=37.04&zoom=12&fullscreen=true&open_sidebar=map_key
> is no longer supported, does anybody know of a similar "product" that we can 
> use to visualize how well we have reviewed TIGER roads (and rail?) in a given 
> area?

Maybe authors of http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/map are interested in
adding that.

> I REALLY miss that visualizer!  It showed whether highway=* ways were 
> "touched in the last three years," whether the tiger:reviewed=no tag was 
> removed and so on.  It was very well done and quite informative.
> I suppose a dedicated renderer could be built, that's pretty ambitious, 
> though it is a worthy project, imo.
> Bonus points for your best guess at when OSM will eventually complete a full 
> TIGER data review.  I'll start:  at the rate we're going now, 2045?
> SteveA
> California

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