On Dec 22, 2019, at 11:34 AM, Greg Morgan <dr.kludge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... I think the challenge for the U.S. project is that most of these maps 
> have been maintained outside the U.S.  If implemented, I am not sure how long 
> OSMOSE would provide the service.

One more thing we might potentially learn from our (OSM-US') experience (of the 
TIGER import of 2007-8), would be to insist upon a high bar for such 
large-scale imports in the future (this was our largest, without a doubt):  the 
proposers of the import must "pre-load for the back-end" a renderer that will 
both display and foster such goal-oriented tools to "finish the job with 
high-quality AFTER the import."  Import proposers would be required to author 
and maintain this renderer / server for as long as satisfactory QA-completion 
of the import takes.

True, we might not be sure "how long such services would be provided" (nobody's 
good intentions or crystal balls are absolutely perfect), but it certainly is 
worth considering insisting upon something like this for large-scale imports.  
(Should we ever again risk them).

Our Import Guidelines seem a happy medium right now, though for something huge, 
a similarly huge commitment to having the technical chops and providing 
(renderer server) resources to finish the job well seems fair.  We have good 
examples of tools that help us "how," we might agree to require these "if and 
when again."

Still seeking a good TIGER reviewer / visualizer, though I can get some things 
done with OT.

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