On 12/23/19 18:42, stevea wrote:
> One more thing we might potentially learn from our (OSM-US')
> experience (of the TIGER import of 2007-8), would be to insist upon a
> high bar for such large-scale imports in the future (this was our
> largest, without a doubt):  the proposers of the import must
> "pre-load for the back-end" a renderer that will both display and
> foster such goal-oriented tools to "finish the job with high-quality
> AFTER the import."  Import proposers would be required to author and
> maintain this renderer / server for as long as satisfactory
> QA-completion of the import takes.

I agree that we needed and still need a way to clean up all the
remaining untouched TIGER data. However, without the TIGER import, the
same 11-12 years would have been spent surveying and naming the roads
one by one and tracing them from (sometimes outdated) satellite/aerial
photos and we would probably still be way behind where we are with the
TIGER import. If it had been on me to trace my neighborhood from a blank
slate when I first started mapping, I might well have given up on OSM at
that point.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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