I just edited a OSMwiki page and apparently that hurt him so much that
immediately started heated discussion claiming his rules to be OSM
community rules. And as an act of retaliation he went on and changed my
data and data of other users to his liking. I don't know how to correctly
name this.
I just wanted to bring up that this is not OK. This is a toxic behavior.

> Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
>  Tue May 12 21:06:40 UTC 2020
>  Note that vandalism in OSM and similar project is considered as something
> that is not only damaging but also malicious and intended to be damaging.
> In cases where you consider other mapper as mistaken and wrong, but not
> malicious - consider using other terms.  See
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Vandalism  (it is not unique to OSM,
> see for example  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Vandalism )
> May 12, 2020, 05:28 by machyna at gmail.com:  > I am just going to paste
> here what I wrote on Slack and I as well consider removal of counties from
> admin_level=6 as vandalism. >
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