Bill Ricker, this is in regards to your comment "Ward and Precinct not having 
elective officers nor staff of government, but are accepted as admin_level=9 
and 10 respectively; likewise Neighborhood admin_level=10, Unincorporated 
community admin_level=8 need not have officers nor staff."

It may be that in some parts of the USA (especially New England, where ward and 
precinct seem more prevalent than elsewhere), these are better characterized 
not as boundary=administrative (the tag paired with admin_level), but rather 
boundary=political.  Considering the thread topic as germane to this discussion 
in a "more major" way, I'd call wards and precinct being retagged as 
boundary=political "more minor" — not AS important, but data still important 
enough to further discuss and possibly change (their boundary tags to the value 
"political").  Maybe one of us will start such a talk-us thread, but I don't 
have quite that much patience for the topic right now, especially as we 
continue to discuss admin_level at the county level.

So, yes, thank you for sharing your observations about these more-political and 
less-administrative entities we now map and perhaps might map with tags we 
agree are more accurate (or not).  The topics are rich and complex, indeed.

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