It was an experiment, to see how accurate the three methods could be. That road, and many around it, are not completely built-out. When a new building is built on an empty parcel, it will have an address immediately.  When a new address is assigned to a new (split out) parcel, the interpolation will give it an address immediately.

On 6/18/20 3:19 PM, Yury Yatsynovich wrote:
Oh, wow!
Maybe that's fine, but to me it looks like duplicated info. As far as I understand, extrapolation lines are needed in areas where buildings are not mapped yet and, hence, the extrapolation/approximate location of the address is the best one can get. If the address is precisely assigned to a building, why would one need the same address on the extrapolation line? But, again, that's just my opinion and maybe I'm overlooking something important.

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