Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 7:46 AM Matthew Woehlke <mwoehlke.fl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 30/08/2020 10.00, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> > What is the actual problem with other people's driveways being marked
>> > access=private on the map?  yes, driving on is usually technically not
>> > illegal, but unless you are going there because you were invited for
>> > have a reason they'd approve of, it's basically not ok.
>> The objection is that access=private currently *has* an understood
>> meaning, and that meaning is *no* access without permission, not what
>> you described above.
> Sounds like my driveway.  If you are using my driveway without my
> permission, either implicit (e.g. delivering a package) or explicit, I am
> going to ask you to leave.  I think you are conflating whether something is
> "not allowed" with "can be prosecuted as a crime."

Indeed.  When I look back at use without some kind of
permission/invitation, it's been (my categories):

OK and OKish:

  someone collecting petition/ballot signatures (semi-ok, depending, but
  clearly socially acceptable)

  neighbor bringing food as welcome-to-neighborhood visit

  neighbor bringing misdelivered package

  adjacent landowner coming to discuss something reasonable

  neighbor coming to say hello and talk about what happened in hurricane
  of 1938 since he ran home across the then-undeveloped land as the
  storm started.

  people trying to visit the next-door neighbor and going up the wrong

not OK:

  proselytizers (not unlawful, sort of semi-ok socially -- really the
  edge of normal)

  people trying to sell things

and importantly doesn't include things like:

  people who are walking for exercise and decide to walk up to houses
  and back just for fun

  people teaching their kids to drive

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