Matthew Woehlke <> writes:

> On 31/08/2020 11.19, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> What I objected to was not "that is your opinion; many others disagree"
>> but "that is your opinion but *no one else* sees it that way".  If you
>> didn't really mean that, sorry for overreacting.
> Fair enough. I probably should have said something like "my
> understanding is that this is contrary to the community
> consensus". It's always possible that what appears *to me* to be the
> community consensus looks different to others.

Interpreting consensus is indeed very hard.

I think OSM has a general problem in this area, where

  there is discussion about something

  that leads to rough consensus for the range of situations in the

  words are written down to describe this

  new situations arise

  people interpret the text to apply to the new situations, as if the
  text has some enormous standing, even though it describes consensus in
  different situations

So for example,  I'd agree that "access=private" generally means "only
with permission", but I don't think the original discussions that led to
it contemplated the folloeing notions:

  lack of no trespassing sign doesn't mean you 100% can't, so private
  isn't ok unless there is a sign.

  "only with permission" does not match "residential driveways are
  almost 'only with permission' with narrow social exceptions, so they
  are almost the same thing, far more than they are different" so
  private for an unsigned driveway is wrong.

I don't think either of those points would have been agreed on had they
come up in the discussion.  Thus I think we as a group overly
extrapolate from what we think was consensus.

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