Welcome Tomas !

This site is usually updated weekly :

And if you don't like their img files, you can set up a GroundTruth script.

AFAIK no keepright.

Has someone compiled a list of Afrikaans to English translations ?
Weg -> Road
Rln -> Rylaan -> Drive
Str -> Straat -> Street
Sgl -> Singel -> Crescent
Ln -> Laan -> Avenue
Stg -> Steeg -> Lane
Hoekie -> Nook

Time for another mapping party ? The Cradle area is a significant tourist
destination and relatively unmapped. But it doesn't have a lot of ways,
being agricultural :

Then there's also the Jaunty Release Party on Saturday :

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Tomas Straupis <tomasstrau...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello
>  Wiki says to introduce myself to this list, so I will.
>  My name is Tomas. I'm alcoho... tpfu... I came from Lithuania to
> South Africa for a year or two. I will be living in Johannesburg.
>  I was tracking, mapping, routing, fixing Lithuania map and I'm going
> to do the same in RSA (I've already done some minor mapping last year
> near Knysna). My OSM username is just TomasStraupis.
>  I went through South African mapping standards, progress pages etc.
> but I'm still missing some information:
>  1. Is anybody creating Garmin img files for RSA regularily
> (daily-weekly)? I was doing that for Lithuania, but my internet
> connection here is far from that I had (because of accommodation
> issues I'm restricted to 3G) and South Africa has "slightly" more data
> :)
>  2. Is there any QA server with South African data (something like
> keepright.ipax.at for Europe)?
>  3. Is there something specific I should know about mapping in South
> Africa?
>  Thank you!
> --
> Tomas Straupis
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