Hey Steve,

In the last few years DVDs have fallen out of favour as a media of choice for sharing large files and it's likely to be difficult and not cost effective to obtain them.

First of all Debian DVD iso doesn't need to be installed from a DVD drive, you can just dd the image straight onto a usb drive --

( If you were to download dvd images from here -- https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-dvd/)

$ dd if=debian-9.3.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso of=/dev/usb_physical_device

Any reasonably recent PC should be able too boot from the image.

If you are using debian as a general-purpose desktop it's likely that you wouldn't even need to use any other dvds as the first DVD contains most of the software. Also you can try getting dldvd (dual-layer DVD) and bd (blue-ray disk images) with jigdo then you'd be able to fit even more packages on a usb key.

If you  have temporary access to a fast internet connection, you can create the whole debian mirror using reprepro (https://mirrorer.alioth.debian.org/) and various other tools (https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Setup) storing the files on a portable harddrive.

Installing this would work by booting off the first DVD image on an usb, then connecting & mounting portable harddrive then giving file url as a sources.list url (http://www.linuxwave.info/2009/04/adding-local-directory-to-apt.html)


On 03/01/18 09:28, Steve Petrie, P.Eng. via talk wrote:
*Greetings To GTALUG,*
I am starting to order the parts for building a new desktop PC to run debian Linux as primary operating system. Replacing an ancient Dell desktop PC with MS Windows XP.
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*I'm looking for a source for full set of physical debian Linux (LXDE) installation DVDs (NOT a live install, as I understand that Linux does not yet support live install with UEFI).* I need the installation DVDs because I _use a very slow telephone-grade dial-up line modem for my Internet connection_, so a Linux installation via network is not feasible. (I plan to try to keep using the dial-up line with the new debian Linux PC, at least for the first while. GTALUG advice put me on to the idea of using a USB dial-up modem with Linux.) Found a U.S.A.-side vendor www.shoplinuxonline.org <http://www.shoplinuxonline.org> but am concerned about getting caught in snags with payment / collection of Canadian customs duties, that may be collected by courier delivering to the Canadian address from U.S.A
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*Does anyone know of a Canadian-side online seller of debian Linux (LXDE) DVD installation sets ??* I could potentially beg use of a friend's Windows 10 setup on Bell Fibe, and download the debian Linux LXDE) DVD image files and burn the DVDs myself, but I prefer to avoid the hassle and probable mistakes. Any thoughts from GTALUG members, on this piddling but potentially messy detail of getting a full set of debian Linux (LXDE) install DVDs, greatly appreciated *!!*
Best Regards,

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