On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 at 11:46, Giles Orr <giles...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...
> https://www.gilesorr.com/blog/tls-https-details.html
> Any suggestions to improve the script would be most welcome.


You are of course correct: '#!/usr/bin/env bash' is more portable.  I don't
usually bother because '#!/usr/bin/bash' works fine on every Linux I've
used and on Mac, so I don't think to fix this when I make my scripts public

"Line 130 s/-eq/=/"

See, that's interesting ...  First, "==" would be correct for a Bash string
comparison, not "=" (which is correct for 'sh').  Second ...  Arguably it's
a numeric comparison (thus '-eq'), but I did put quotes around it which
probably makes it string ...  <sigh>  Yeah, I don't know what that should
be.  It's worked so far ...

"It's just a little loud on sites that don't support https:"

My apologies: I did think of that and test for it ... but on precisely one
site where it returned silently and all was good.  I tested on a site that
responds on port 80, but doesn't respond at all on port 443.  The site you
named sends a 400 "Bugger off" response (technically "Bad Request") on port
443.  Probably because you have a hosting provider who reasonably enough
listens on that port whether the site has a certificate or not.  I naively
assumed that a site without a cert wouldn't be listening on port 443.  I'll
think about that.

'How does it compare with "testssl.sh" ?'

I have no idea, I haven't used that.  If you point me to it I'll take a

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