On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 8:46 AM Giles Orr via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:
> This may be seen as self-promotion - that's not totally wrong.  But I think 
> this may also be useful to others and (as I acknowledge in the blog post) I'm 
> quite pleased with the resultant script.
> Over the past year and a half I've slowly developed a shell script that gives 
> a concise summary of the state of TLS and HTTP(S) on a given website.  It 
> looks like this:
>     $ tlsdetails google.ca
>     Using OpenSSL:  /usr/bin/openssl
>     Expiry Date:    Oct 27 17:27:07 2019 GMT (78 days)
>     Issuer:         Google Trust Services, CN
>     TLS Versions:   tls1_3 tls1_2 tls1_1 tls1  (tried but unavailable: ssl3 
> ssl2 )
>     HTTP Version:   2
> I first started work on it after a couple embarrassing certificate expiries.  
> It then grew to check the Issuer, TLS versions, and more recently whether or 
> not a site supports HTTP2.
> (The pointer to the OpenSSL version is shown because the script will also run 
> on Mac, and their version of 'openssl' is problematic at best.  That line is 
> of course easy to remove if you don't like it.)
> If you're interested, you can find the details here:
> https://www.gilesorr.com/blog/tls-https-details.html
> Any suggestions to improve the script would be most welcome.

This is pretty cool work! My only suggestion would be to slap a
license on it. Even if it is a BSD style one, it makes it very clear
what you believe acceptable use to be.

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